What should we read?

This is my very first post that is an actual article! I’m very excited to present it to you. 🙂


What should we read? post graphic(1)

What should we read?

This is a question that has been laid upon my heart recently. What should we read? Or really, how can we honor God with our reading?

Philippians 4:8 says,

    Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

I think that those are some pretty good guidelines for reading. After all, they are from God’s Holy Word! But how do we put them into practice?

Here is a list of what I personally do not read:

**Note: I can’t say that have Biblical reasons for all of these, but I will explain them as best I can. 🙂

  • I don’t read romance.

One of the reasons why I don’t read romance books, or even books with just a little romance in them, is because my mom doesn’t want me to. She doesn’t think that I need to be thinking about romance yet (I’m only a young teen). And I totally agree! Also, most romance books don’t have the best content. Is there virtue or truth in many romance novels? Not in my experience.

  • I don’t read horror.

Let’s go back to Philippians 4:8 again. Is horror true, pure or lovely? I don’t think so. I haven’t read much (if any) horror, so I can’t tell you from personal experience, but I believe that many readers could confirm that most horror books are not true, pure or lovely.

  • I don’t read (much) fantasy.

This is more of a personal preference than a conviction for me. I have read some good fantasy (such as The Twin Arrows and The Secret Slipper), and both of the books I mentioned had good Biblical messages, but a lot of fantasy doesn’t. Some have themes of darkness and evil, and I don’t believe it’s necessary to read about that.

So, what do I read?

One of my favorite genres to read is historical fiction. Of course, I do come across negative elements in this genre occasionally (really, you can in any- even Christian fiction!), but I simply stop reading if I find bad things. I enjoy learning about history… even if parts of the story are fiction. 🙂

I also enjoy Christian fiction, mysteries, and biographies/autobiographies. These genres are interesting to me, and are the main things that I read. There may be other wonderful genres that I have not discovered, but these are the ones that I have.


I’m not saying that I’m a perfect example.

Only Jesus Christ is. But I am saying that these are my convictions, and I try to follow them with whatever I read. I have trouble sometimes when I find bad things- I know I should put the book down, but the plot is so interesting! That is when it is hardest for me to follow my convictions.

What should you read?

This is a question that I cannot answer. You have your own preferences and convictions, based on many things: your age, interests, things your parents/pastor have taught you… I pray that you will study your Bible to learn what God wants you to read. I have given you my fallible position on the subject, and you may do whatever you like with it. Just please, don’t follow my stand because of me; follow it (if you do) because of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Because He is the only One that matters.



What are your convictions?

Why do you hold to those convictions?

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