Violet’s Hidden Doubts, based on the characters by Martha Finley


  Violet’s Hidden Doubts was based on the characters by Martha Finley.  It contains 224 pages and is the first book in the “A Life of Faith: Violet Travilla” series.  This book is a fiction novel that begins at a Southern plantation in October of 1877.

Violet’s Hidden Doubts is about Violet (or Vi) Travilla. In this book, Vi’s beloved father dies.  She is devastated at this loss and draws back from the family. Later, Vi opens up to her mother and confesses that she believes that she caused her father’s death. Elsie convinces her that her feelings are not correct, and Vi is back to her usual self.

Later in the book, Vi and her family take a trip to Viamede, the plantation where Elsie was born.  Once there, Elsie’s cousin Molly gets married. Many other exciting things happen, also.

One of the best things about this book is the relationship that Vi and her family have with God.  Several people in this book learn important lessons that we can apply to our lives, too.

If you enjoyed this book, I also recommend the Elsie Dinsmore Series, by Martha Finley. I am anticipating reading the next books in this series, as well.


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