Journeys of Four, by Rebekah Jones

Image result for Journeys of Four rebekah jones

“Four people. Four journeys. One truth.

“Christine is miserable and despite anything she tries she can’t escape the awful emptiness that seems to engulf her entire life. Peter tries to hide from reality in a world of fiction, much to his siblings’ worry and confusion. Claudius hates life in general and tries to avoid most contact with anyone who disagrees with him, especially those in his family’s new church. Claudette hates authority, rules, and anything that opposes her will, reacting in greater and more dramatic ways all the time.

“When their paths collide, forcing them to face the true meaning and reasons for Christianity, each come to a crossroads. Will they find redemption or reject the Savior?” ~from the back of the book

Title: Journeys of Four: Small Town Tales

Author: Rebekah Jones

Genre(s): Christian Contemporary Fiction

Rating: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ (four stars)

Romance Content: N/A

Recommended age range: 12+

My Review:

This was a very interesting book! I enjoyed seeing how each character grew and how their lives intersected. It was very interesting, and I believe most people will identify in some way with at least one of the characters. There was much Scriptural truth intertwined, which I am grateful for; however, the NASB was used, which I am not grateful for. I think it would have been slightly more meaningful if I read the Scripture passages from my Bible and thought about them.

There were a couple things I wasn’t a fan of: a couple characters have obviously horrible attitudes and say absolutely hateful things. In some ways it was funny, but it was also sad. Thankfully, the main characters who are trying to follow the Lord try to turn the evil-speakers to God, so it isn’t glorified. I am also uncertain about the name of the church in the book, Crown and Covenant, since “covenant” could refer to theology/eschatology which I do not agree with.

This was a wonderful book! I especially like the way Handel’s Messiah was used, the thought-provoking conversations the children and teens had, and the growth of each character, even though they didn’t all turn out we would have wanted them to. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about characters growing in the Lord!

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